4 Things Designers Want You To Keep Out Of Your Entryway

When it comes to hosting an event, the foyer is among the main rooms within the home. It’s the first thing guests encounter when they enter your house. Therefore, the entry must make the right impression. The guests will surely be welcomed into the dining area where they’ve put on your dog, and when the entryway that welcomed guests was unimpressive and uninspiring, it’s tough to change the situation.

For aesthetics and function, There are various ways to style the foyer to greet guests with style, but it’s only a minor mistake to ruin the best. Places to store things, coat rack, and weatherproof carpet are essential to design an entranceway. However, other features must be kept away from at all costs. What should be kept from your foyer, as per interior design experts?


The entranceway can be an ideal place to collect the physical waste of your daily life. While you move from one place to another, the entryway can contain things you take along, such as bags, coats, shoes, keys, and coats.

“A properly designed entryway is the perfect place to establish the mood for the rest your home, and to show your guests your style and character. The clutter in your entryways detracts from creating a great impression,” Says Ms. Yvonne McFadden from Y. McFadden Interiors in Atlanta, Georgia.

To combat clutter to reduce clutter, integrate storage spaces into your entranceway. This lets the area store everything you’ll need and then put them from view. Gainesville, the Georgian interior design firm Maggie Griffin also reminds us that even if things are out of sight, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be away from your mind. Postal mail, sporting equipment, or school materials don’t have to greet guests; make sure you’re thinking about them.

Hall Trees

To reduce the clutter in their homes, designers recommend integrated storage, such as closets, or smaller-scale solutions, such as drawers or decorative boxes, instead of the big-ticket item like an ornamental hall tree. The foyer is typically a tiny space, and it’s not a good idea to have a large tree that’s excessive. Also, anything too big can be an item in the chaos we’re trying to avoid.

“We shy away from hall trees,” McFadden states. “Even though they may be structurally beautiful, that gets lost once a pile of heavy winter coats is left hanging on it.”

Word Art

“Make sure to have a console or cabinet where a pretty piece of art can be placed above it,” advises Andi Morse of Morse Design in Atlanta, Georgia. However, she cautions you to be aware of the sort of art you select. “Avoid word art,” she advises. “I feel that dates your home.” Instead of a tired slogan or slogan, a mirror or painting can do the trick and create a great first impression. The art forms can convey the style of a house and the people who reside there without writing it down.

The Wrong Lighting

Inviting guests into an unlit home isn’t a good idea. Designers suggest a multi-layered approach to lighting that includes numerous ambient lighting sources. This includes light fixtures on different levels, such as table lamps, a sconce hanging on the wall, and a chandelier in the ceiling. To at least one of these items, McFadden is partial to an eye-catching lighting fixture that adds an inviting ambiance to foyers.

“Layered lighting is important to add depth to the space,” says Morse. “Entryways can have as much depth as the rest of your home.”

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