Designer-Approved Tips Will Make Your Home More Comfortable Than Ever

We love a room makeover and a great renovation. However, we also appreciate easy home improvements and are eager to learn from designers how to make your space feel fresh and new without doing too much. We spoke to the professionals about making our homes more comfortable than ever-a very important task.

Warmer tones are better

Designer Rebecca Rollins believes that warmth is key to making a space feel homey. This can be achieved by adding wood tones to a space. Wood accent walls, wood beams and wood cabinets are all options.

Rollins also believes in using paint to create warmth. She explains that painting your walls a warm, greige color such as Sherwin Williams’ Drift of Mist on the walls is a great idea. Layering many textures, such as linen and raw and organic materials, is necessary.

Layer after Layer

“To cozy up your space, add layers,” designer Michelle Gage says. All kinds are welcome. She shares, “In these areas, we included layers of pillows and blankets, as well as plants.”

Use the Three Ls

Designer Elizabeth Burch combines many of the suggestions mentioned above into a single catchphrase. When making a home comfortable for my clients, she says that the three Ls are lighting, layers and love.

Burch stresses the importance of sentimentality when it comes to ‘love.’ Burch says, “Never surround yourself with objects you don’t love. It could be a piece of artwork from your travels or a chest of drawers from your grandmother. Your home should tell a story!

Go Monochromatic

Designer Natasha Singleton believes that a simple color scheme is the best way to create a comfortable space.

She says that regardless of whether the all-neutral trend in rooms continues, there is nothing cozier than using the same color throughout the room. I love the monochromatic look of ivory boucle on natural jute rug with light brown accents.

Add Some Fire

Yes, Ashley Roi Jenkins, the designer, is serious! She says that fireplaces and candles are an essential part of my home. “I have a plug-in fireplace that I bought online and put together. It plugs in and lights up.

Jenkins isn’t concerned about the fixture becoming too hot for children to play near.


Designer Elle Jupiter assures us that it will be worth it. She notes that although it isn’t the most glamorous thing to do, it can impact how we interact in our spaces.

Jupiter says to say bye to junk mail and toys that don’t bring joy. She says that if you have a lot of junk mail or toys, it can be extremely difficult to relax. I highly recommend the KonMari method and delegating landing areas for clutter that accumulates.

Get Throw Pillows and Blankets

You can use this as an excuse to buy more. Designer Nicole Martel comments: “Sherpa and waffle knit pillows and woven throw pillows make any sofa extremely comfortable.” Who doesn’t like a chunky knit throw?” It’s stylish and functional, so it’s a win/win.


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