5 Designer Solutions For That Large Blank Wall In Your House

You may have recently purchased a property, signed a lease on a rental property, or want to remodel compelling ways to add personality and warmth to your living space by putting up your walls. This is particularly true if you’re trying to add style to an empty wall that is the space’s anchor.

Do you prefer an old-fashioned piece of art you found at an auction? Family heirlooms professionally framed? Whether you’re looking for wallpaper, accent walls, or wall art, the possibilities to fill a large wall at home are limitless. To help us narrow our options, Johnice Katz, an interior designer who lives in New Orleans, shared five points to consider when working with a blank wall.

Consider Your Budget

“When I’m approaching a large wall, the first thing I like to discuss with a client is budget,” says Katz. The price of professionally framed artwork is often a quick climb, and purchasing a considerable piece could be an overstretch to your established budget. In this scenario, Katz recommends using a couple of more minor, essential details to replicate the dimensions of an enormous amount because “almost everyone” has something sentimental they would want to display. It’s acceptable to keep it simple and subtle. The main factor is sticking to the budgetary guidelines you must adhere to.

Take it apart with existing Furniture.

According to Katz, one of the blunders people make is “assuming they need to use an entire wall as a large, continuous space that’s decorated as one visual.” Instead of attempting to design an overwhelming blank wall as a singular design element, integrate Furniture you already have in the overall design. “One long wall can have a media area on one side and a desk vignette on another,” she states. Rugs can aid in separating one room from the next and help make it appear closer. “This way there’s less of a need for large-format art.”

Build a Gallery Wall

Walls with gallery walls have been famous for some time and well-founded reasons. They’re a fantastic method to show the individuality of the individuals who live in the home. They can showcase a mix of a variety of art as well as traditional pieces or even family photos. Whatever you put together, the gallery wall is an opulent style to any home and is an excellent way to decorate the space.

Katz recommends starting in the middle and working upwards if you want to decorate massive walls. In a hallway or staircase, begin between one and the next. Most people don’t have 40 art pieces waiting to be displayed on a wall, so add sculptured pieces, sconces, wall hangings, or any other decor that’s not your standard flat, framed piece,” she adds.

Avoid the Easy Buy

When designing something likely to attract attention, it is essential to consider what you put on display. While it’s tempting just to put everything you have lying around up to test the box on the project, the overall look of your home can benefit from patience. “Collecting takes time,” says Katz, “and watching a space grow and change is part of the fun.” The number one enemy among her top visual culprits? “Digitally printed art over stretched canvas,” she declares. Therefore, avoid impulse purchases and choose something that might require some time or saving money but will give you a sense of happiness.

Go for Bold

It’s papered, painted, or adorned with artwork, take your toes only a bit. A giant wall is your opportunity to be bold. Make your wall stand out with a collection of frames in small sizes and a bold, large piece (properly illuminated by an excellent art lighting system and, of course) or even small sketches. “Let go of the fear of being ‘too much,'” Katz suggests. “It’s nearly impossible.”

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