Stud walls must be finished. Plasterboard is an easy and fast choice because of its simplicity of installation.

When hanging plasterboard, it is important to do so horizontally and not vertically. The boards have a grain along their length. This means that they are stronger when secured perpendicularly to the studwork.

Staggering the boards is also advisable to ensure that seams do not end up on the same board. After you have applied your skim plaster finish, this will help reduce cracks.

Standard plasterboard sheets are approximately PS8. Bulk purchases get discounts. There are special waterproof, acoustic, and insulating boards that can be used to resist fire.

Plasterboard DIY

You will require

  • Tape Measure
  • Pencil
  • Stanley knife
  • Drill driver or screwgun
  • Spirit level
  • Drywall screws
  • Perform
  • Handsaw

Step 1 : Each board should be placed so that the edges touch the noggins and uprights. The plasterboard should fit tightly to the edges of doors and adjacent walls.

Step 2 : Begin at the door opening, and move towards the farthest wall. Measure the board from the edge to the middle of the stud when measuring for a cupboard. To mark up the board, flatten it using your tape measure.

Step 3 : Place your spirit level or straightedge on the marks. Mark the desired cut with your Stanley knife. Next, stand the board up and tap the back to begin the split.

Step 4 : Then fold the edge over itself and then use your knife to cut the paper. The end result should be a clean edge. You can trim your board slightly if it is slightly longer than you intended.

Step 5 : Place the board on the stud work and check that it is in the right position. Place a few screws around the edges of your board so you can see the noggin or upright. This will hold it in place.

Step 6 : Mark lines across the board using your spirit level or straightedge at the center of the noggins and studs. This will allow you to attach the plasterboard in auckland without removing the timber.

Step 7: You will need to place screws in the 100-200mm spaces you marked in step 6. Push them in so that they scratch the paper’s surface. Do not go too far, as it will cause the plaster to crumble and prevent you from fixing the problem.

Step 8: You will likely need to cut your end boards to the required length. To ensure a snug fit, measure from the farthest edge to the center of the noggin. Next, mark up, score, and split the board according to steps 2-3.

Step 9: As described in steps 5 through 7, fit the rest of the boards. Place the end boards as described in steps 5-7.

Step 10: It’s better to cut the board in situ if it extends beyond an opening. The stud work can be used as a guide for horizontal saw cuts. After scoring the board vertically, you will need to score it using a surform. Use a surform to finish the edges.

This step-by-step guide is provided by Trades Supermarket.

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